Friday, November 14 2014

  • Third Juror Recants Guilty Verdict in Tracie Hunter Trial

    Tracie Hunter’s long, strange journey took another turn this week when a third juror recanted their guilty verdict. The juror’s announcement comes on the heels of two other jurors who also recanted their guilty verdicts after implying the other jurors pressured them to convict Hunter. All three jurors who recanted their votes are black and the most recent juror to recant said she was racially pressured by the white jury foreman to convict. A decision will be made next week if Hunter receives a new trial.

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  • Cincinnati Earns Top Marks in Equality Score

    Cincinnati is one of 38 cities in the United States to receive a perfect score from the Human Rights Campaign on its municipal equality index. The score reflects a city’s laws and policies protecting sexual and gender identity. Some of the reasons the group gave Cincinnati such high marks is because it extended benefits to same-sex partners of city employees and its requirement that all city contractors sign non-discrimination agreements.

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  • Myrtle’s Punch House Opens this Month

    Walnut Hills’ newest drinking establishment, Myrtle’s Punch House, is set to open Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. The drinkery is the brainchild of Molly Wellman — who also owns Japp’s, Neon’s and Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar through Wellman Brand — and will specialize in handcrafted punch, according to City Beat. The Punch House is located at DeSales Corner.

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  • Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Buys Duracell from P&G

    Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. announced its plans to buy Duracell from Proctor & Gamble. The deal was done through a $4.7 billion stock trade with P&G shares that Berkshire Hathaway owns. P&G will also commit $1.7 billion in cash to shore up the battery company to ease the transition.

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  • Ohio For-Profit Charter Schools Receive Abysmal Rating

    Ohio’s for-profit charter schools are the third-worst performing group in the nation. Ohio charter-school students perform worse than their peers in math and reading after spending a year in a charter school, according to a study performed by Stanford University.

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